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The Planning Division effectively manages community change in the short and long term with regards to land use, transportation, historic preservation and overall development in order to create a sustainable, livable, and economically successful future for the citizens of Moultrie.
The means by which the Planning Division effectively manages community change is the comprehensive review and approval of all developments within the city. In addition, the Planning Division interprets and implements the goals and objectives of the Comprehensive Plan and interprets the regulations and requirements of the Zoning and Subdivision Ordinances.
The administration of the Planning Commission, Historic Preservation Commission, Tree Committee, and the Board of Zoning Appeals are managed by the Planning Division. These Boards provide recommendations to the City Council when necessary based on city codes, ordinances, and regulations.
These monthly meetings are held:
• Tree Committee – 3rd Thursday at 4pm
• Board of Zoning Appeals – 1st Thursday at 4pm
• Planning Commission – 2nd Monday at 6pm
• Historic Preservation Commission – 2nd Monday at 3pm